WrightIn Richard Wright’s “The Fight” by Richard Wright people want to always fit into everything. They don’t want to feel left out. They don’t like to feel like the only odd out of so many people. Some people wouldn’t know how to handle this situation but when it comes to impressing others is very easy. All you have to do is show that you are tough and can’t be defeated. Many people would try to test you and you may not always win but you would at least be able to proof yourself. The narrator speaks about how he enters into a new school. He describes the way he feels on his first day of school. He was only thinking on how fitting in with new students was going to be for him. “My anxiety was still in me; I was wondering how I would get on with the boys. Each new school meant a new area of life to be conquered. Were the boys tough?” The narrator of this story could’ve chosen a different way to solve his problem. But he had chose to demonstrate to others that he wasn’t afraid of no one so he fought the guy that was bulling him to show that new grounds don’t get beaten. “He was pushed again, and I struck out with my right and caught him in the mouth.” He could’ve chosen a better path but he had no other choice than fight. So, in a way I disagree and agree with his reaction because I wouldn’t stay hit if someone were to hit me without me knowing them. Many people tend to want to solve problems by fighting and others don’t know how to manage so they get hurt. That is why no matter what you have to think of a second plan that could work out towards your problems and if it doesn’t then do it the hard way. In my position of the story I would’ve reacted almost about the same way but if there could’ve been a better way to solve things I would’ve tried to talk it out that way I could avoid something wrong to happen. But hey if they start to push me to another level ill do it the hard way. Just because am a new student to a school It dosen't mean that I deserve to get bullied. I was placed in a position like this about two years ago. I may not be a fighter but I know how to defend myself. Back in my old school in class my classmates and I decided to have paper ball fight during class because our original teacher was absent in our class (we had a substitute), but It got to a point that I dirint want to play anymore so I said I was out and that I dirnt want to be hit by a paper ball. But one of my classmates thought that I wasent being serious so he threw me a paper ball and I had gotten up from my seat and squashed the paper ball into his mouth. Sometimes people have to understand when you mean something. The narrator of this story tried to avoid a fight in his new school he was going to start attending to. He wanted to be a part of the new school but was afraid that he might not fit in. And a test comes for the narrator on the first day of school, one of the alumni’s of the school wanted to give him a welcoming. He tries to test what does the new kid has and gets what he hadn’t expected. This fight was almost avoided but others kept pushing it. "Listen, I ain’t picking a fight," I said. "But if you want to fight, I'll fight."